
I Don’t Know What Will Happen if I Keep Going

This was one of the critical moments in my health journey. I was in my early twenties, and had been trying off and on for years to get strong and increase my energy. I only lasted a few weeks each time because of the severity of my issues. I always ended up weaker, smaller, and very discouraged. This particular time had I been consistent for about 6 weeks. Nothing was improving, and I was so discouraged I wondered if I should just quit. Maybe it wasn’t any use, and I was probably silly for tring to do what wasn’t working. But then I had this pivotal thought.

“I know what will happen if I quit. But I don’t know what will happen if I keep going. So I guess I’ll keep going. I know these things that I’m doing are good for me, and perhaps one day I’ll experience benefit from them.”

Every significant improvement in my health came after this important point. Often, I have to remind myself of this moment when I am pursuing other things that don’t seem to be working out. Sometimes things are way more challenging than we believe they should be, and our overcoming of them is extremely monumental. But if you can keep going, keep going.

With love,

P.S. For just over a year now I have been running a mentoring community in a private Facebook group for those who are seeking personal wellness transformation through a gentle and intuitive approach. I’ve recently decided to make it free. If you would like to join, please apply through this link.


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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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