
Empathy, C-PTSD, and Health

I spent the first 22-23 years of my life becoming a highly skilled empath as I developed Complex-PTSD in an abusive home. As a result I was dealing with multiple stress related health issues, including hypothyroid and hypo-adrenia, resulting in extreme fatigue and inability to build muscle.

I wanted to get healthier and stronger, but whenever I was consistant with a traditional fitness program, I physically couldn’t carry on after a while because I kept becoming weaker and smaller. It was scary. I had no idea how my hypervigilant empathy and C-PTSD was draining my life force. But I refused to give up hope.

I kept researching and experimenting, and eventually started letting my intuition and the feedback from my body guide the implementation of fitness and nutrition. Instead of experiencing setback, I began seeing slow, steady progress. My own obsession with healing led me to become a massage therapist, personal trainer, and life coach.

It has become my passion to guide others , especially empaths, into a harmonious relationship with their own bodies through the implementation of simple proven habits.
If this resonates with you, I would like to invite you to work with me in a couple of spaces.

First, I created an eCourse, “Strong InsideOut,” that contains both step-by-step, gentle fitness guidance, and life coaching lessons focused on positive life change. The intent is lifestyle transformation and investment in a loving relationship with the body.

Second, I mentor a health support group on Facebook called Intuitive Momentum Fitness where I am the life coach and personal trainer on retainer. I go LIVE answering questions each week, and subscribed members have access to me all month for personalized guidance.

You can connect with me in BOTH spaces by either purchasing lifetime access to the eCourse for $111 (and get access to the group as a bonus), or subscribe to the group for $22/month (and get free access to the eCourse while subscribed). Both prices will be doubling in January.

If you would like a Zoom call with me to share your unique situation, I’d love to set that up with you!

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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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