
Do you know how being an empath effects health and fitness?

Being empathic means you are highly in-tune with the emotional experience others are having around you, sometimes so much so that you aren’t even “in” your own experience. This ability is often developed through traumatic experiences, and may accompany the development of Complex PTSD. Unhealthy ways-of-being are habitualized, such as hypervigilance, causing overall well-being to be challenged, usually leading to the accumulation of multiple health issues.

With all of this sensory overload, if an empath follows a typical fitness plan, it will only further deplete an already overextended system.

This was my experience, and it was over years of learning, researching, and experimenting that I developed the kind of relationship with my body that allowed me to see progress towards my goals.

Are you empathic? Are there aspects of fitness that just don’t work for you like it seems to for everyone else? Maybe it’s not a lack of commitment. Maybe you need a different approach.

I would love to work with you in a couple of spaces.

First, my eCourse, “Strong InsideOut.” This contains both step-by-step, gentle fitness guidance, and life coaching lessons focused on positive life change. The intent is lifestyle transformation and investment in a loving relationship with the body.

Second, I mentor a health support group on Facebook called Intuitive Momentum Fitness where I am the life coach and personal trainer on retainer. I go LIVE answering questions each week, and subscribed members have access to me all month for personalized guidance.

You can connect with me in BOTH spaces by either purchasing lifetime access to the eCourse for $111 (and get access to the group as a bonus), or subscribe to the group for $22/month (and get free access to the eCourse while subscribed). Both prices will be doubling in January.

If you would like a Zoom call with me to share your unique situation, I’d love to set that up with you!

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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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